Sunday, February 26, 2012

Life around the Weatherford house

This is my first family blog.  I thought that I should start a family one since I have started trying to write one for my class.  

Life around the Weatherford house is starting to get busy again.  Spring is coming and with that comes a busy life!  We have already begun soccer practice and will be starting baseball soon.  Soccer season starts the first part of March and baseball begins mid March.  Jacob is also a part of the LTC team at church and is working on a skit with puppets.  I am very excited about him wanting to be involved.  

Not only is life at home starting to get busy again but this is by far the busiest time of year for me at school.  Between STAAR-Alt, TELPAS, daily data, I have every ARD except one during the spring.  Busy is an understatement.  On the other hand of that, life in the body shop could not be any slower....well let me take that back, of course it could, there could not be any small jobs either!  We are really praying for this and I have been really proud of my husband and the way he has managed this stress in his life.

I am very excited about the kids starting back in their sports.  Although we are trying very hard to set some new boundaries and expectations for our family.  We are back to having our meals as a family again.  Everyone sits at the table to have dinner.  :)  We are also really having some gut checks about what is most important for our family and what path we want our family to be headed in.

As most of you have probably seen, Charlie was recently baptized.  That was an amazing day for our family.  A day that we will soon not forget.  We had been studying the Story of Redemption and with the last study Charlie made the decision to take Christ on in baptism.  I have a hard time putting into words exactly what that meant to me and our family.  With the new path our life is taking, it is making us take a second look at the way we do things.

What is important to us?  What kind of path do we want to take?  What kind of people do we want our children to be?  And how do we get them there?  So many questions as a parent that you ask yourself daily.  I hope that we are not the only ones that haven't completely figured this path out yet.  I know one thing for sure though, we never stop trying to figure it out.

I would love feedback on how you mange your daily life with your spiritual life and how you are showing that balance with your children.